Thursday, December 5, 2013

I have to talk about the, hospital's in Trinidad & Tobago when i first step in the hospital the floor blood every were it is nasty there was little to no one around to help anyone and when u ask for help they don't answer. next thing i went to see a friend of mine that was making a baby i was told the nurse's told her if she yell or make noise she will leave her there cause she have a headache and have to wait for someone to check her in the morning when i was there all the people was talking about people in there who have what sickness what they came in there for who man beat who up i mean come on don't they have HIPP law down here... i never would think an island that is well known for partying and drinking and having fun is a lie.... everything i knew about Trinidad is a lie there's everything form killing babies mother's getting wrong information oh my god this is the worst the only thing good out here is the woman cause they want to leave and make a better life for themselves and for there kids someone from the U.S or anywhere please help this people cause the government is not doing nothing but talking for the past 3 years they been in power .... HELP TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO NOW